Randy Couture is renown throughout the fight world for his incredible stamina, extreme work ethic and grueling fight pace. In his new book, Xtreme Training, Couture details the training methods that have catapulted him into the upper echelon of Mixed Martial Arts and led to five world titles in two different weight classes. With the help of world-class strength and conditioning coach, Jake Bonacci, Randy demonstrates his trademark exercises used to increase his power and cardio. No guesswork, no blind program design: the workouts in this book are battle tested and proven successful with top level competitive fighters. Contents PART ONE: GENERAL PHYSICAL PREPARATION Includes: strength, speed, power, size, endurance, coordination, balance and agility. SECTION ONE: METABOLIC CONDITIONING Dynamic Warm-Up Includes: dynamic warm-up, agility ladder, hurdles, backward hop. Full-Body Metabolic Conditioning Includes: ropes, tire flip, sledgehammer on tractor tire, bent-over rows, squats, snatches, medicine balls. SECTION TWO: POSTERIOR CHAIN Double Extension Includes: squats, hip thrust on stability ball, deadlifts, lunges, step-ups. Triple Extension Includes: jumping squat, plyometric routines, long jumps, sprints, power cleans, push press, snatch. SECTION THREE: UPPER BODY PUSH Horizontal Plane Includes: bench presses, dumbbell presses, press on Swiss ball, presses with flex bands, push-ups, plyometric push-up with medicine ball. Frontal Plane Includes: triceps extensions, dips, handstand push-ups, overhead dumbbell press series. Overhead substitutes Includes: alternating dumbbell front presses and dumbbell lateral raises. SECTION FOUR: UPPER BODY PULL Horizontal Plane Includes: various bent-over rows incorporating bench and Swiss-ball support, partner rows, standing rows with flex bands. Frontal Plane Includes: various pull-ups, laying dumbbell pull-over, rope climb, biceps curls. SECTION FIVE: CORE Abdominal Flexion Includes: crunch, leg scissor crunch, sit-ups, flex band-resisted crunch on Swiss ball, V-up, pike, leg lifts. Rotational Includes: various Russian twists, scorpions, windshield wipers with dumbbell, suitcase deadlift. Isometric Support Includes: alternating two-point plank, plank on Swiss ball, various ab-wheel rollouts, side bridge. Neck Support Includes: various neck bridges, neck harness, lateral neck raises. PART TWO: SPORT-SPECIFIC TRAINING Includes: strength, speed, power, size, endurance, coordination, balance and agility. SECTION ONE: SPORT-SPECIFIC STANDING Solo Power Drills Includes: medicine-ball punches, band-resisted punches, band-resisted knees strikes, band resisted double-leg, cage walk-ups, flex band shoulder throw. Partner takedown Drills Includes: bear crawl and frog hop drill, arm drag drill, headlock throw drill, running the pipe single-leg drill, throwing dummy suplex. Partner Striking Drills Includes: counter low kick on shield drill, alternating knees on kick shield drill, heavy bag combination drill, countering strikes to takedown drill. SECTION TWO: SPORT-SPECIFIC GROUND Solo Power Drills Includes: physio ball squeeze, heavy bag ground’n’pound, guard striking to sweep to mount. Partner Grappling Drills Includes: turtle flips, guard passes, head control get-up, hip bump to bridge and roll drill. PART THREE: TRAINING ROUTINE Week One – Week Ten ALTERNATE WORKOUTS Novice Strength and Conditioning Workout Beginner Strength and Size Intermediate Strength and Size Advanced Strength Building